Wayne Highlands School District is CLOSED on Thursday, February 6, 2025.
An Important Message from Superintendent Frigoletto (11-18-2020)
Dear Wayne Highlands School Community:
As you are aware, over the last two days we have reported two confirmed cases of COVID-19 at Honesdale High School.Throughout these events, we have been in constant contact with the Pennsylvania Department of Health and have been provided with appropriate guidance. Part of that communication included a comprehensive contact tracing effort.As a result of that effort, multiple faculty members were ordered to quarantine, making in-person instruction over the days leading up to Thanksgiving break a great concern.
As a result, Honesdale High School will go into remote learning beginning Friday, November 20, 2020, ending the day we return from Thanksgiving break, Tuesday, December 1, 2020.This ONLY applies to Honesdale High School.All other Wayne Highlands schools will operate with in-person instruction, as normal.
Over the days of remote learning, Honesdale High School students are fully expected to attend their classes remotely through the Google Classroom and Zoom platforms.Attendance and completion of assigned work will be monitored like it would be with in-person instruction.It is imperative that students participate accordingly.
It is worth noting that since the beginning of the 2020-2021 school year, our Health and Safety Plan has proven to be a success.Our faculty, staff and students have been remarkable in their response to the plan, demonstrating a high level of cooperation.We are extremely grateful for that.Regardless of the valiant effort, Wayne Highlands, like many other school districts, has had to contend with COVID-19 related issues.A continuation of all of us playing our part, will hopefully limit future cases.
We firmly believe that nothing is more important than the safety and health of everyone in our school community.All of us need to continue to work together, doing the best we can, to prevent the spread.As a reminder, self-monitoring along with conducting daily student screenings at home remain critical components of our plan.The more we all follow the guidelines and recommendations, the better off we will all be.
Please visit the Pennsylvania Department of Health website (www.health.pa.gov) for the latest and most accurate information about COVID-19.
District Superintendent