WHMS Opening for 2020-2021
Google Classroom Codes
Please review the Google Classroom Codes from your Teachers.
Google Classroom Help
https://sites.google.com/whsdk12.com/learning-oppo...WHSD LIVE Attendance Policy
Supplies List 2020-2021
COVID-19 Important Information
Attention Parents, Guardians and Students: In an effort to provide the safest possible environment, parents must complete the COVID-19 Screening Questionnaire with their child/children to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 every day before your child/children go to the bus stop or parent/guardian drop off at the school building. Please refer to the following document.
Attention Parents, Guardians and Students: Traditional students will
need to adhere to the Face Covering Order put forth in place by the
Governor or Pennsylvania.

Orientation Videos
Please take time and review the videos below from Wayne Highlands Middle School.