Any Field

NOTE:  This page is being updated frequently, so check back regularly for new postings. 
If a scholarship listing does not include a deadline yet, please wait to apply until a deadline is availalbe.

The 109th Infantry Regiment Association Legacy Scholarship

This scholarship is available to high school seniors who can trace their lineage to the 109th Infantry.Scholarship application MUST be mailed to the address listed on the application.

Area of study: Any

Award amount: $250 to $1,000


Deadline: March 31, 2025

2025 Disabled American Veterans Chapter 114 Scholarship

This scholarship is open to the child or grandchild of a disabled (military service connected) veteran.

To apply, submit a 3" x 5" index card including the following information:

  • Your name
  • Name of the parent or grandparent that is a Disabled Veteran, and their branch of service.
  • School name
  • Name of intended college, university, trade school, or military plans, along with proposed major or specialty.


Mail your card to:

Greg Myers
DAV Scholarship Chairman
97 Ridge Rd, Cobbs Lake Preserve
Lake Ariel, PA 18436-4064

Or, scan and email your card to:

A winner will be drawn at random during a ceremony on Memorial Day at the courthouse park.

Area of study: Any

Award amount:  $500

Application: See above

Deadline: May 5, 2025

The Brigadier General Richard Joseph Tallman and Evelyn Phillips Tallman Scholarship

The Tallman Scholarship is a four year scholarship intended to support the recipient from freshman year through senior year with a stipend of up to $10,000 annually.

Please return your application, transcript and copy of SAT scores to Mrs. Davoli.

Mrs. Tallman’s expressed intent is to honor a student from Honesdale High School who displays great academic promise, demonstrates high character, possesses the ability to contribute to his/her degree to an outstanding individual with great potential who is unable to achieve this goal for financial reasons. A minimum four year GPA average of 3.5 is required to apply.

Area of study: Any

Award amount: up to $10,000.00


Deadline: May 2, 2025

2025 Mike Munchak Community Service Scholarship


The United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne and Pike Counties has established this scholarship program to assist high school students from Lackawanna, Wayne and Pike Counties, PA, who plan to pursue a post-secondary education.

To be eligible, candidates must be actively involved in community service activities in programs funded by this United Way, be full-time resident and/or students of school districts within Lackawanna, Wayne or Pike Counties and accepted by an accredited university, college or trade school, in a two or four year degree program track, for the 2025/2026 school year.

Following are program eligibility criteria and highlights:

  • The scholarship amount for 2025 is $6,300.00
  • The scholarship will be awarded for a one (1) year period only
  • Only open to graduating seniors within our school districts
  • Demonstrate commitment through community service activities
  • Demonstrate academic achievement
  • Applicants must be graduating seniors from a public, private, parochial or charter school within either of the two counties

Please note that one component of the application is a Letter of Recommendation from a school administrator, guidance counselor or teacher.

All completed application packets must be returned no later than March 31, 2025. Any incomplete packets will not be considered.

Send to:
United Way of Lackawanna, Wayne & Pike Counties Attn: Community Service Scholarship Committee
PO Box 526
Scranton, PA 18501-0526

The scholarship winner will be selected by April 30, 2025. The winner and his/her parents or guardian will be invited to the dinner and auction portion of the Mike Munchak Charity Golf Classic in June 2025 at the Scranton Country Club. The formal presentation of the scholarship will take place at that time when the winner will meet Mike and have photos taken together.


Area of study: Any

Award amount: $6,300.00

Application:  MIKE MUNCHAK SCHOLARSHIP APPLICATION or see Mrs. Davoli for a printed application packet

Deadline: March 31, 2025

Dorothy Noble Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship

The Wayne Chapter Daughters of the American Revolution plans to award $250 for the Dorothy Noble Daughters of the American Revolution Scholarship to a student who has exhibited the qualities of good citizenship in every aspect of his or her life.  There will be four schools in Wayne and Pike counties competing for this award.

Two students will be nominated from Honesdale High School to be considered for this award; they do not necessarily have to have high academic standing, but should not be failing in any subject area.  These students should have a desire to secure an education beyond secondary level in any field of further education.  The persons nominated should exhibit the qualities of trustworthiness, caring for others, dependability, and a sense of patriotism at school and all aspects of life.

In order for the Wayne Chapter, Daughters of the American Revolution, to select the scholarship winner we would appreciate the following:

*Information sheet including student name, address, and phone number (information sheet linked below)

*A letter of recommendation by Principal, a teacher, or Guidance Counselor, telling us about the student and why he or she should be considered for the award.

*Transcript of grades from the last marking period.

*Letter of not more than 350 words from the selected student setting forth the reasons for desiring an education beyond high school. (Not necessarily a college)

*Only neatly printed or typed letters will be considered.


Area of study: Any

Award amount:  $250

Application: Provide letter of recommendation, transcript and your letter to Mrs. Davoli for consideration.

Deadline: March 1, 2025

Fraternal Order of Eagles, Honesdale Aerie 1858

The Fraternal Order of Eagles in Honesdale will be providing a scholarship in the amount of $1,000.00 to the recipient of this scholarship.

Please submit your completed application to Mrs. Davoli.

Area of study:  Any

Award amount: $1,000.00


Deadline: April 15, 2025

Honesdale - Hawley Duplicate Bridge Club

This scholarship is based upon service to the school and community. 

Interested students attending a two or four year college or university in any field of study may apply and provide an essay: Why is involvement in community service important?

Please submit an application found in the link below to Mrs. Davoli.


Area of study:  Any

Award amount: $1,000.00


Deadline: May 2, 2025

Honesdale Odd Fellows - Freedom Lodge #88 in Memory of Howard L. Goodenough Jr.

Freedom Lodge #88 is pleased to a scholarship to help our young neighbors grow into future leaders.  This scholarship is now awarded annually to qualified Honesdale High School graduating students who will be attending college or a vocational program after graduation.

Eligibility requirements are:

-The student must be a HHS student in good standing for two years prior to the application deadline.
-The student may only win the scholarship once.
-The student must show proof of a cumulative average of 3.0 or B average each year.
-The student must be accepted as a full time student at a College/University or Vocational/Technical Institution for an entire school year.
-A copy of the verification must be included.
-Request a high school transcript from the Guidance Office.


Area of study:  Any


Deadline: April 1, 2025 (Late applications will not be accepted.)

Bonnie G. Tyrrell Memorial Scholarship

A $500 Scholarship is awarded to a student pursuing a 4-year program for a health care related career.

Students must complete and submit the General Scholarship Application and deliver to Mrs. Davoli.


Area of study:  a 4-year program, health care related career

Award amount: $500.00


Deadline: May 1, 2025

Honesdale Rotary Club Scholarship - "Four Way Test"

The Honesdale Rotary Club is offering a $1,250 scholarship to a senior who will be attending a two or four year post-secondary institution.

Criteria includes:
Community Service
Extra-curricular activities including (but not limited to) in-school clubs, arts/music and sports
An essay based on Honesdale Rotary Club's Four Way Test. All of our club's actions are guided by a set of four ethical questions that we call the Four Way Test. The questions are: Is it the truth? Is it fair to all concerned? Will it build good will and better friendships? Wil lit be beneficial to all concerned? Please write an essay on what these questions mean to you in your personal and professional relationships.

Interested students should complete the Wayne Highlands General Scholarship Application.


Area of study:  Any

Please submit application and essay to Lynne Goodwin

Deadline: March 1, 2025

The Jennifer Killam Memorial Scholarship

The Jennifer Killam Memorial Scholarship, presented by the Honesdale Area Jaycees, will award One $1,500 scholarship.

Criteria include: post-secondary plans, community service, volunteerism, extra-curricular activities, awards, and an essay. Transcripts are NOT required.

Applications must be submitted to:

Honesdale Area Jaycees
PO Box 583
Honesdale PA 18431

Area of study: Any

Award amount: $1,500.00


Deadline: May 1, 2025

Laurel Chapter Order of the Eastern Star Educational Scholarship

The Laurel Chapter, Order of the Eastern Star will award a $500 scholarship to a graduating senior with plans to continue post high school education, and who exemplifies good citizenship and high moral character.

Application and information are found in the link below.

Please submit applications to Mrs. Davoli.


Area of study:  Any

Award amount: $500.00


Deadline: April 11, 2025

The Albert O. Miller, Dorothy Tozer Miller, and Savona Commandery #89 Scholarship

The Albert O. Miller, Dorothy Tozer Miller, and Savona Commandery #89 Scholarship Fund was established by the last will and testament of Dorothy Tozer Miller. The Millers understood and advocated the primary masonic ideals of education, worship and charity. This scholarship fund was established to promote intellectual enlightenment among the youth of Wayne County, Pennsylvania.


Area of study:  Any

Award amount: $1,00.00


Deadline: April 11, 2025

Metzger Wickersham 2025 Road to Safety Scholarship Contest

This annual competition invites Pennsylvania high school seniors to submit creative projects that remind drivers of the dangers of driving under the influence or while distracted.

The firm welcomes students to apply their creativity to posters, billboard designs, paintings or drawings, digital designs, videos, songs, or other projects that encourage their peers to drive safely. The submissions may be made through the contest website,

Firm officials will review all entries and award a $1,000 scholarship to the first-place winner, $750 to the second-place winner, and $500 to the third-place winner.


Area of study: Law or Insurance

Award amount: $1,000 scholarship to the first-place winner, $750 to the second-place winner, and $500 to the third-place winner

Application: Submissions may be made through the contest website,

Deadline: April15, 2025

PSATS Scholarship

This scholarship is provided by the Pennsylvania State Association of Township Supervisors. Four $1,500 scholarships are available to high school juniors and seniors: two Local Government Achievement scholarships and two Academic Achievement scholarships.  Interested applicants must attend at least one township meeting and submit an essay on one topic corresponding to their chosen scholarship type.

  • The Local Government Achievement scholarship is an opportunity for students to highlight outstanding citizenship through public service and community involvement.
  • The Academic Achievement scholarship is awarded to students who exhibit enthusiasm toward education by maintaining high academic standards.

Essays must be at least 500 words, typed in 12-point font with double spacing. Each essay will be judged by an independent panel based on originality, knowledge of the subject matter, and grammar. 

Winners will be selected before the 2025 PSATS Annual Conference at the Hershey Lodge.

Area of study: Any

Award amount: $1,500.00


Deadline: January 31, 2025

Wayne County Community Foundation Scholarships

The Wayne County Community Foundation offers scholarships to students interested in a wide range of areas, including but not limited to: Healthcare, Agriculture & Agribusiness, Forestry, Education, Veterinary, Horticulture, Mathematics, Business, Music, Technology, Culinary Arts, Criminal Justice and others.  Some need-based scholarships are available as well. 

Create an account at the link to begin the application process.

Area of study: Varies 

Award amount: Varies by Scholarship


Deadline: April 4, 2025

The Women's Club of Honesdale Scholarship

This scholarship is open to all seniors at Honesdale High School who are applying or have applied to a two or four year college OR technical school. The scholarship award will be $1000 for three applicants. Please complete the form, including the essay and the name and your relationship with the person who will write your recommendation letter. If a section does not apply to you, enter N/A. 

Area of study: Any

Award amount: Three $1,000.00 scholarships


Deadline: March 1